Our Community in Darwin

We are a christian community based in Darwin, Northern Territory of Australia since 2013. Our congregation belongs to the Malaysia, Singapore & Australia Diocese of the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church. The parish propagates worship and cultural integrity for Mar Thomites in Northern Territory who have immigrated to Australia from different parts of the world. Majority of us are originally from the state of Kerala (South India), follow Indian traditions and speak Malayalam. Our members are dedicated and devoted to their church of eastern traditions, hierarchy, distinct liturgy and customs.

Our community in Darwin consists of 10 families and keeps growing each year. We gather once in a month for family prayer and discuss biblical subjects. We conduct holy mass once in three/ four months for which the Vicar of Brisbane Mar Thoma Church usually lead the service. The Vicar is also the President of our community who lead us all in spiritual and religious matters.


Contact Us

+61 466 615 205 (Vicar)

+61 470 618 579 (Secretary)

Email: darwinmarthoma@gmail.com